Ph.D Geophysics, Stanford University (2014):
Advisor: Dr. Jesse Lawrence. Worked on a variety of projects including the Quake-Catcher Network, impulse response of civil structures from ambient noise, and joint receiver function and ambient seismic field dispersion curve analysis of earth structure.
B.A. Geophysics, University of California, Berkeley (2007):
Advisor: Dr. Douglas Dreger. Investigated the rupture process of a sequence of repeating Mw2.1 earthquakes on the San Andreas Fault in Parkfield, CA.
2012-2013 USGS-Stanford Fellowship
2012 SSA Outstanding Student Presentation Award
Research & Fieldwork Experience:
2010: Spear-headed Quake-Catcher Network (QCN) Rapid Aftershock Mobilization Program (RAMP) sensor deployment in Christchurch, New Zealand. Worked with local scientists and community members to create a dense, low-cost seismic network (190 stations) within the first 10 days following 4 September 2010 M7.1 earthquake. Used resulting data to test earthquake early warning capabilities of QCN and drastically improve rapid magnitude estimates.
2010: Led Quake-Catcher Network (QCN) Rapid Aftershock Mobilization Program (RAMP) deployment in Maule, Chile following 27 February 2010 M8.8 earthquake. Partnered with local professors, students, and government officials to create a 100-sensor low-cost network spanning ~500 km.
2009-2014: Deployed Quake-Catcher Network sensors through Stanford campus. Created a dense volunteer-based seismic network in the San Francisco Bay Area.
2009-2014: Utilized numerous public media outlets including radio, television, print news, and social media to promote the Quake-Catcher Network, garner public interest in the project, and recruit new volunteers to host QCN stations.
2009, 2010: Deployed traditional seismometers around Yellowstone National Park
2007-2008: Staff Research Associate, Berkeley Seismological Laboratory (2007-2008) - Continued work begun for undergraduate thesis at UC Berkeley.
Teaching Experience:
2013: Teaching Assistant for "Introductory Seismology" class at Stanford University.
2011-2012: Program coordinator for Stanford Geokids elementary-aged earthquake science program.
2010, 2011: Taught earthquake classes to local middle and high school students through Stanford Splash! program.
2011: SURGE (Undergraduate Research Program) mentor and project supervisor.
2011: Teaching Assistant for "Introduction to Geophysics" class at Stanford University.