
Hauksson, E., B. Olson, A. Grant, J. R. Andrews, A. I. Chung, S. E. Hough, H. Kanamori, S. K. McBride, A. J. Michael, M. Page, Z. E. Ross, D. E. Smith, and S. Valkaniotis (2020). The Normal-Faulting 2020 Mw5.8 Lone Pine, Eastern California, Earthquake Sequence, Seismological Research Letters

Chung, A. I., M.-A. Meier, J. Andrews, M. Böse, B. W. Crowell, J. J. McGuire, and D. E. Smith (2020). ShakeAlert Earthquake Early Warning System Performance During the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 110, No. 4, pp. 1904-1923.

Meier, M.-A., Y. Kodera, M. Böse, A. I. Chung, M. Hoshiba, E. Cochran, S. Minson, E. Hauksson, and T. Heaton (2020). How often can Earthquake Early Warning systems alert sites with high intensity ground motion? Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth.

Kohler, M. D., D. E. Smith, J. Andrews, A. I. Chung, R. Hartog, I. Henson, D. D. Given, R. de Groot, S. Guiwits (2020). Earthquake Early Warning ShakeAlert 2.0: Public Rollout, Seismological Research Letters, 91 (3), pp. 1763-1775.

Ruhl, C., D. Melgar, A. I. Chung, R. Grapenthin, and R. M. Allen (2019). Quantifying the Value of Real-time Geodetic Constraints for Earthquake Early Warning using a Global Seismic and Geodetic Dataset, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth.

Chung, A. I., I. Henson, and R. M. Allen (2019). Optimizing Earthquake Early Warning Performance: ElarmS-3, Seismological Research Letters.

R. N. Nof, A. I. Chung, H. Rademacher, L. Dengler, and R. M. Allen (2018). MEMS Accelerometer Mini-Array (MAMA): A Low-Cost Implementation for Earthquake Early Warning Enhancement, Earthquake Spectra

Chung, A. I., E. S. Cochran, A. E. Kaiser, C. M. Christensen, B. Yildirim, and J. F. Lawrence (2015). Improved Rapid Magnitude Estimation for a Community-Based, Low-Cost MEMS Accelerometer Network, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America105, No. 3, pp. 1314-1323.

Yildirim, B., E. S. Cochran, A. Chung, C. M. Christensen, J. F. Lawrence (2015). On the Reliability of Quake-Catcher Network Earthquake Detections, Seismological Research Letters86, No .3, pp. 856-869.

Neighbors, C., E. J. Liao, E. S. Cochran, G. J. Funning, A. I. Chung, J. F. Lawrence, C. Christensen, M. Miller, A. Belmonte, and H. H. Andres Sepulveda (2015). Investigation of the high-frequency attenuation parameter κ (kappa), from aftershocks of the 2010 Mw 8.8 Maule, Chile earthquake, Geophysical Journal International200, No. 1, pp. 200-215.

Lawrence, J. F., E. S. Cochran, A. Chung, A. Kaiser, C. M. Christensen, R. Allen, J. W. Baker, B. Fry, T. Heaton, D. Kilb, M. D. Kohler, and M. Taufer (2014). Rapid Earthquake Characterization Using MEMS Accelerometers and Volunteer Hosts Following the M 7.2 Darfield, New Zealand, Earthquake, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America104, No. 1, pp. 184-192.

Evans, J. R., R. M. Allen, A. I. Chung, E. S. Cochran, R. Guy, M. Hellweg, and J. F. Lawrence (2014). Performance of Several Low-Cost Accelerometers, Seismological Research Letters85, No. 1, pp. 147-158.

Chung, A. I., J. F. Lawrence, and C. Christensen (2013), Evaluating the Integrability of the Quake-Catcher Network (QCN), Proceedings of the 10th International ISCRAM Conference - Baden-Baden, Germany, T. Comes, F. Fiedrich, S. Fortier, J. Geldermann, and T. Muller, eds.

Cochran, E. S., J. F. Lawrence, A. Kaiser, B. Fry, A. Chung, and C. Christensen (2011). Comparison between low-cost and traditional MEMS accelerometers: a case study from the M7.1 Darfield, New Zealand, aftershock deployment, Annals of Geophysics54, No. 6, pp. 728-737.

Kaiser, A. E., R. A. Benites, A. I. Chung, A. J. Haines, E. Cochran, and B. Fry (2011). Estimating seismic site response in Christchurch city (New Zealand) from dense low-cost arrays, paper presented at 4th IAEE International Symposium on the Effects of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion, Santa Barbara, Calif., pp. 23-26.

Chung, A. I., C. Neighbors, A. Belmonte, M. Mimller, H. H. Sepulveda, C. Christensen, R. S. Jakka, E. S. Cochran, and J. F. Lawrence (2011). The Quake-Catcher Network rapid aftershock mobilization program following the M 8.8 Maule, Chile earthquake, Seismological Research Letters82, No. 4, pp. 526-532.

Cochran, E. S., J. F. Lawrence, A. Kaiser, B. Fry., A. Chung, and C. Christensen (2011). Comparison between low-cost and traditional MEMS accelerometers: a case study from the M7.1 Darfield, New Zealand, aftershock deployment, Annals of Geophysics, 54, No. 5.

Prieto, G. A., J. F. Lawrence, A. Chung, and M. D. Kohler (2010), Impulse Response of Civil Structures from Ambient Noise Analysis, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America100, No. 5A.

Cochran, E., J. Lawrence, C. Christensen, and A. Chung (2009). A novel strong-motion seismic network for community participation in earthquake monitoring, Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine, IEEE12, No. 6, pp. 8-15.

Dreger, D., R. M. Nadeau, and A. Chung (2007). Repeating earthquake finite source models: Strong asperities revealed on the San Andreas Fault, Geophysical Research Letters34.


Chung, A. I., M.-A. Meier, and I. Henson (2020). Toward Integrating a Machine Learning Signal Classifier in the ShakeAlert Earthquake Early Warning System, AGU Fall Meeting 2020, San Francisco, CA (Poster Presentation).

Chung, A. I., M.-A. Meier, and I. Henson (2020). An EPIC Machine Learning Implementation, SSA Annual Meeting 2020 < Meeting Cancelled >.

Chung, A. I., M.-A. Meier, J. Andrews, I. Stubailo, D. E. Smith, J. J. McGuire, M. Böse, and R. M. Allen (2019). Performance of the ShakeAlert Earthquake Early Warning System During the Ridgecrest Sequence, AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, CA (Oral Presentation).

Chung, A. I., I. Henson, and R. M. Allen (2019). ElarmS/EPIC Earthquake Early Warning System: 2018-2019 Development and Performance, SSA Annual Meeting 2019, Seattle, WA (Poster Presentation).

Chung, A. I., R. M. Allen, M. Hellweg, I. Henson (2018). Reducing the False Alert Problem in Earthquake Early Warning: ElarmS Version 3.0, SSA Annual Meeting 2018, Miami, FL (Poster Presentation).

Chung, A. I., I. Henson, R. M. Allen, M. Hellweg, D. Neuhauser (2017). ElarmS Earthquake Early Warning System: 2017 Performance and New ElarmS Version 3.0 (E3), AGU Fall Meeting 2017, New Orleans, LA (Oral Presentation).

Chung, A. I., I. Henson, R. M. Allen, M. Hellweg, D. Neuhauser (2016). ElarmS Earthquake Early Warning System 2016 Performance and New Research, AGU Fall Meeting 2016, San Francisco, CA (Poster Presentation).

Chung, A. I., R. M. Allen, I. Henson, R. M. Allen, M. Hellweg, D. Neuhauser (2016). ElarmS 2015 Performance and New Filterbank Teleseismic Filter, SSA Annual Meeting 2016, Reno, NV (Oral Presentation).

Chung, A. I., R. M. Allen, I. Henson,M. Hellweg, D. Neuhauser (2015). ElarmS Earthquake Early Warning System Updates and Performance, AGU Fall Meeting 2015, San Francisco, CA (Poster Presentation).

Chung, A. I. (2014). Using Ambient Vibrations to Obtain a Building Response, UC Berkeley, Berkeley Seismological Laboratory Earthquake of the Week Seminar, October 27, 2014.

Chung, A. I. (2014). Rapidly Evaluating Damage Using High Density Networks in Noisy Urban Environments, UC Berkeley, Berkeley Seismological Laboratory Seminar, September 23, 2014.

Chung, A. I. (2014). Rapidly Evaluating Damage Using High Density Networks in Noisy Urban Environments, Stanford University Dissertation Defense Talk, July 29, 2014.

Chung, A. I., E. Cochran, B. Yildirim, C. M. Christensen, A. E. Kaiser, J. F. Lawrence (2013). Testing the Rapid Detection Capabilities of the Quake-Catcher Network, AGU Fall Meeting 2013, San Francisco, CA (Oral Presentation).

Chung, A. I., E. S. Cochran, C. M. Christensen, A. E. Kaiser, and J. F. Lawrence (2012). Updates and Improvements to the Quake-Catcher Network's Rapid Earthquake Detections, AGU Fall Meeting 2012, San Francisco, CA (Poster Presentation).

Lawrence, J. F., E. S. Cochran, C. M. Christensen, A. I. Chung (2012). The Quake-Catcher Network: A Seismic Network for the World, AGU Fall Meeting 2012, San Francisco, CA.

Chung, A. I., E. S. Cochran, C. Christensen, A. E. Kaiser, and J. F. Lawrence (2012). Using the Quake-Catcher Network's Christchurch, New Zealand Array to Improve QCN Rapid Earthquake Detection, SSA Fall Meeting 2012, San Diego, CA (Oral Presentation).

Kaiser, A. E., R. A. Benites, A. I. Chung, A. Oth, E. S. Cochran, B. Fry, and A. J. Haines (2012). Seismic Site Response in Christchurch (New Zealand) from Dense Aftershock Recordings, SSA Fall Meeting 2012, San Diego, CA.

Chung, A. I., E. S. Cochran, C. Christensen, A. E. Kaiser, and J. F. Lawrence (2012). Results from the Quake-Catcher Network Rapid Aftershock Mobilization Project (QCN-RAMP) in Christchurch, New Zealand and Advances in QCN Rapid Earthquake Detections, EGU General Assembly 2012, Vienna, Austria (Oral Presentation).

Chung, A. I. (2012). QCN's Rapid Aftershock Mobilization Program: What We've Learned. 2012 International Symposium on Grids & Clouds, Taipei, Taiwan (Invited Talk).

Chung, A. I., E. S. Cochran, C. M. Christensen, A. E. Kaiser, and J. Lawrence (2011). Results from the Quake-Catcher Network Rapid Aftershock Mobilization Program (QCN-RAMP) in Christchurch, New Zealand, AGU Fall Meeting 2011, San Francisco, CA (Oral Presentation).

Neighbors, C., E. J. Liao, E. S. Cochran, A. I. Chung, J. Lawrence, A. E. Kaiser, B. Fry, and C. M. Christensen (2011). Employing the Quake-Catcher Network (QCN) to Investigate Site Effects in Christchurch, New Zealand Using the kappa Method, AGU Fall Meeting 2011, San Francisco, CA.

Cochran, E. S., J. Lawrence, A. E. Kaiser, B. Fry, A. I. Chung, and J. R. Evans (2011). Comparison of the low-cost MEMS accelerometers used by the Quake-Catcher Network and traditional strong motion seismic sensors, AGU Fall Meeting 2011, San Francisco, CA

Kilb, D. L., A. Yang, D. Rohrlick, E. S. Cochran, J. Lawrence, A. I. Chung, C. Neighbors, and Y. Choo (2011). Kinect Technology Game Play to Mimic Quake Catcher Network (QCN) Sensor Deployment During a Rapid Aftershock Mobilization Program (RAMP), AGU Fall Metting 2011, San Francisco, CA.

Liao, E. J., C. Neighbors, E. S. Cochran, A. I. Chung, J. Lawrence, A. Belmonte, M. Miller, and H. H. Sepulveda (2011). Site Response in the Biobio Region, Chile Using the kappa Method, AGU Fall Meeting 2011, San Francisco, CA.

Chung, A. I., E. S. Cochran, C. Christensen, A. E. Kaiser, and J. F. Lawrence (2011). Results from the Quake-Catcher Network Rapid Aftershock Mobilization Program (QCN-RAMP) in Christchurch, New Zealand, SSA Annual Meeting 2011, Memphis, TN (Oral Presentation).

Kaiser, A. E., H. Brackley, A. I. Chung, A. J. Haines, A. Seward, Z. Bruce, E. Haines, B. Fry, J. F. Lawrence, and E. S. Cochran (2011). Dense Urban Deployment of Low-Cost QCN Accelerometers Following the 2010 Mw 7.1 Darfield Earthquake, New Zealand, SSA Annual Meeting 2011, Memphis, TN.

Chung, A. I., C. Neighbors, A. Belmonte, M. R. Miller, H. H. Sepulveda, C. M. Christensen, E. Liao, E. S. Cochran, and J. F. Lawrence (2010). Results from the Quake-Catcher Network Rapid Aftershock Mobilization Program (QCN-RAMP) Following the M8.8 Maule, Chile Earthquake, AGU Fall Meeting 2010, San Francisco, CA (Poster Presentation).

Cochran, E. S., J. F. Lawrence, C. M. Christensen, A. I. Chung, C. Neighbors, and J. Saltzman (2010). The Quake-Catcher Network: Improving Earthquake Strong Motion Observations Through Community Engagement, AGU Fall Meeting 2010, San Francisco, CA.

Chung, A. I., J. F. Lawrence, G. A. Prieto, M. D. Kohler, and E. S. Cochran (2010). How Low Can You Go? Exploring the Capabilities of Low-Cost Accelerometers, SSA Annual Meeting 2010, Portland, Oregon (Poster Presentation).

Lawrence, J. F., E. S. Cochran, J. Saltzman, C. M. Christensen, M. Hubenthal, and A. I. Chung (2010). The Quake-Catcher Network: Bringing Seismology to Homes and Schools, SSA Annual Meeting 2010, Portland, Oregon.

Chung, A. I., J. F. Lawrence, G. Prieto, M. D. Kohler, and E. S. Cochran (2010). Spend Less, Get More? Using Low-Cost Accelerometers to Calculate Building Responses, 2010 EERI Annual Meeting Strong Motion Forum (Invited Talk).

A. I. Chung, J. F. Lawrence, G. Prieto, M. D. Kohler, and E. S. Cochran (2009). Spend Less, Get More? Using Low-Cost Accelerometers to Calculate Building Responses, AGU Fall Meeting 2009, San Francisco, CA (Poster Presentation).

Cochran, E. S., J. F. Lawrence, C. M. Christensen, R. S. Jakke, and A. I. Chung (2009). The Quake-Catcher Network: A Community-Led, Strong-Motion Network with Implications for Earthquake Advanced Alert, AGU Fall Meeting 2009, San Francisco, CA.

Prieto, G., J. F. Lawrence, A. I. Chung, and M. D. Kohler (2009). Predicting Earthquake Response of Civil Structures from Ambient Noise, AGU Fall Meeting 2009, San Francisco, CA.

Chung, A. I., J. F. Lawrence, and G. A Prieto (2008). Two is Better than One: Combining Receiver Functions and Ambient Noise Dispersion Curves, AGU Fall Meeting 2008, San Francisco, CA (Poster Presentation).